Monday, February 1, 2010

Genres that use Guitars

Guitar seems to be used in almost any type of music, including:
  • Acoustic
  • Bluegrass
  • Metal
  • Classical
  • Jazz
  • Folk
  • Flamenco
according to

A new genre has been coined "guitarcore," and the Gibson Guitar company website explains the genre's significance.
What’s the difference between guitarcore and instrumental guitar music?

Guitarcore is about the song. It’s for all of those people who love guitar but don’t want to hear someone grunting or growling over the top of it and it’s for those who love guitar but don’t want to hear some self-indulgent, 20-minute guitar solo. Our songs have verses and choruses, bridges and solo sections. When we write we write as if a singer is going to sing over the top of it. Guitarcore is also about the band. Everyone in the band gets creative input. Everyone gets a chance to show their chops live and there are absolutely no egos. LoNero is not about cutting and pasting a solo together or fixing it in the mix. If it can’t be played live it isn’t going to be recorded. For years instrumental guitar has been so self-indulgent. But there are a lot of people who don’t play guitar but love guitar music. Those are the people we want to reach.

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