Monday, February 8, 2010

Guitar Timeline

Guitar Timeline
1500 BCE-the Persian Tanbur is created.
**the word “guitar” comes from the Persian “Tan”, which means “string” and “char”, which means four
1400 BCE-Hittite Guitar
Beginning of CE-Greek Tanbourand buzuki, the Romanian tamburitza, the Indian sitar and tambura
400 CE-Roman Tanbur
710-711-The lute is brought to the Iberian peninsula as a result of the invasion by the Moors
1400’s-The Vihuela(big guitar with double the strings—popular for 200 years)
1600’s-The Baroque Guitar
1800’s-Fan struts and tuning pegs appear
1850’s-Antonio Torres Jurado makes adjustments that make the modern guitar
1930’s-The electric guitar is invented.

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