Friday, October 30, 2009

Proper Breathing

Singing requires more thought to breathing than normal. A “deep” sort of breath from the lower abdominal or diaphragmatic area is necessary. A person’s shoulders should not move when breathing in this manner. One’s whole lower abdominal area should expand when breathing, including the diaphragm, rib cage, and back; muscles in all these areas are used when one inhales and exhales.

To ensure correct breathing for singing, try these steps:
1) Lay flat on your back on a firm surface (i.e. the floor) and place a book on your lower abdomen. Breathe deeply in and out. If the book rises and falls with your breathing, you are taking breaths from the proper area.
2) Look at yourself in a mirror. Breathe in and out. If you see your shoulders move up and down with your breaths, you are probably not breathing from the proper area.

Proper Breathing Technique

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