Saturday, October 31, 2009

Vocal Warmups

You can use almost any sound to warm your voice up. You should do many different types of sounds and start in the middle of your range moving up and down very slowly. It is important to not just warm up the high part or just the low part of your voice. You should move up and down by half or whole steps so that you do not harm your voice.

Pre-Warm Ups
Before you start to sing or even talk it is important to be completely relaxed. First thing to do is to warm up your body.

  • Bend at the waist and touch your toes
  • Slowly roll up
  • Allow your head to be the last thing to straighten out completely
  • Carefully and slowly lean your head back and roll from side to side
  • Repeat in the front

  • Hunch your shoulders up to your ears (count to ten)
  • Let them fall
  • Repeat several times
  • Last time hunch your shoulders up to your ears and bring them back

  • Breathe in slowly for 10 counts (puckered lips)
  • Breathe out slowly for 10 counts (snake sound)
  • Repeat

You can even give yourself or if there is someone else singing with you a massage.

Here are some easy exercises

stretch and yawn; hold the ending "ah" sound; relax your throat and jaws

say and then sing

You can sing the rest of these in place of SOL FA MI RE DO

  • ThThThThThThThThThThTh...
  • Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum

(If you know how to play the piano you can start on the G and then play F, E, D, C) G-Sol, F-Fa, E-Mi, D-Re, C-Do

You could also make siren sounds (Like a fire truck)

Here are some fun exercises
Each phrase features different difficult consonant combinations. Start slow, over-articulating and then increase speed.

  • Red letter, yellow letter
  • Good blood, bad blood
  • Eleven benevolent elephants
  • The big, black-backed bumblebee
  • Selfish shellfish
  • Really rural
  • Unique New York
  • The tip of the tongue, the lips, the teeth
  • To titillate your tastebuds, we've got these tasty tidbits

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