Friday, October 2, 2009

Vocal Percussion

Vocal Percussion


²Vocal Percussion: Making percussion sounds with one’s mouth

²Beatboxing: An artist imitates the sound of a drum machine or a “beat box”

²Multivocalism: A technique that incorporates beatboxing, poetry, vocal scratching, singing and MCing in a performance


²1200-1300s:Troubadours of Southern France—short, sharp notes interchanged to give music depth, call and response

²African Ritualistic music: Clapping, stamping, and “over breathing” (loud in and out breathing) used to keep time, also implemented vocal percussion pattern

²1880s: Barbershop/a capella—vocal percussion used to keep time

²Blues: Lack of real instruments inspired black slaves to create drumming and other instruments solely with their voices


²The first rhythm machine was made between 1959 and 1964—it was called the Wurlitzer Sideman

²The first time the phrase “beat box” was used in reference to a rhythm machine was in the 70’s, when the ELI CompuRhythm CR-7030 Beat Box was invented.

²Some well known beatboxers include: Joel Turner, Rahzel, Doug E Fresh, and Darren “Buffy” Robinson

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